Scurvy (Not Really)

I have been incredibly sick these past few weeks which is why I have been missing my posts.  Though it’s far from the most fun I have had here, I figured I’d talk about it because getting ill is a part of Real Life and it might answer a few questions about how things work here. 

The Health Center
On the bottom floor of Templeton, you will find the student health center.  (Admittedly, the first time I tried to find it I had trouble. Tip: walk around the outside of the building. You cannot get there from the inside of Templeton). It’s an as-free-as-possible clinic.  What I mean is seeing a nurse doesn’t cost anything, but you will need to pay for things like tests and medicine.  They are super nice and are open for appointments 5 days a week.  If you need something during a weekend they have a phone number to call to get a nurse’s advice.  I got sick about three weeks ago, but it did not start getting bad until that weekend.  I showed up at the health center first thing the next Monday to schedule an appointment and, since no one else had an appointment early Monday morning, they saw me then and there.  The staff are super nice and friendly and, despite me feeling miserable and my discomfort with medical visits (I have a fear of needles), they made me feel at home. 

The medical staff figured out what was wrong with me and gave me two prescriptions.  I chose, like most other students, to get them filled at the Fred Meyer pharmacy.  Fred Meyer’s is the grocery store the pioneer express stops at.  The bus runs there after 7pm on weekdays and all day on weekends.  They seem to be understaffed (based on the three times I have gone there for this illness), but it only took 20-45 minutes to get my prescriptions filled and I spent that time buying groceries anyway.

Missing Class
If you tell your professor ahead of time, they will be understanding.  Do not worry about it.  The professors at Lewis and Clark are great.  I have previously rescheduled a midterm I was too sick to take and this time I had to reschedule a quiz.  They’re unlikely to let you skip assignments without it affecting your grade, but if you are sick but willing to do the work most are willing to reschedule, you just have to ask them ahead of time.  Also, get a friend to take notes for you.  It’s quite helpful.

A friend from home who heard I was sick
mailed me miso soup

*Note on title: Because of the pirate-themed fire show that happened while I was getting sick, a few of my Fire Arts friends have been referring to my illness as scurvy.

Have questions about things at L&C? Feel free to send me an email at