Hey there!

My name is Katy Yeh and I am a junior Environmental Studies (ENVS) and Biology double major at Lewis and Clark College. Originally, I am from Orinda, CA, a suburb to the east of San Francisco.  Although I do miss the sunshine from time to time, I love it up here in Portland. Here at L&C, I am a member of the swim team and one of the swimming representatives for SAAC (Student Athlete Advisory Committee). I am also a SAAB (Student Academic Advisory Board) tutor for chemistry and geology.  This summer, I got to go to China with Rutgers University to research the degradation of organic environmental contaminants by microbes, or in real talk, I used a bunch of really cool machines to study (and try to solve) global problems in a foreign country. And even though nothing from the study is conclusive, it was still super awesome! If you guys have any questions about my life at L&C you can contact me at katyyeh@lclark.edu, or just keep on reading my blog!


(And there are pictures and videos to come, promise!)