

Last weekend was fall break, which either means going home, going on a trip somewhere away from Portland, or staying on campus. Given I live super far away, and I lack a car, I stayed on campus. It turned out to be really nice, because I've been getting sick so it allowed for some rest. Highlights included going on a picnic, watching Matilda, and getting up early one morning to watch the sunrise by the reflecting pool.
I also spent an evening at my brother's apartment. He moved out here around the same time I did, because his fiancĂ©e is going to grad school at PSU. He's a chef and has to get to work super early, so I had to take the bus back to school. Luckily, the Tri-Met runs really smoothly and I returned without a hitch. 
Although a lot of people weren't here over break, campus hardly felt empty. This is in large part due to the open house that was held here! I hope that some of you had a chance to make it out and experience some Portland weather. If you couldn't come, I definitely recommend visiting campus at some point! It's the best way to determine if a school is right for you.
So now classes are back in full spring, and my schedule is getting busy again. This weekend is the multicultural fair, and my dorm (Akin) plays a huge role in it. We had a planning meeting yesterday, which involved some dogs running around. One (Lola) somehow ended up running down the hall and visiting all of the rooms. My friends and I were a bit excited.
I'm hosting a Minnesota table at the fair with a few friends, complete with tater tot hot dish. I'll probably have pictures next week.
Until then, I have two tests to study for, a book to read, and a presidential debate to watch!


P.S. As always, please email me at if you have any questions, comments, or just want to talk!