I was going to start this post writing about how midterms are stressful, and then I realized that my last three posts have all been about midterms. This season is long! For the most part, I think it's safe to say that midterms will be pretty much done after spring break, which starts at the end of next week (though I have a test the day after I get back from break, so maybe that isn't quite true).
We are registering for classes in the beginning of April, so I've been doing a lot of planning. I am thinking I am going to double major in environmental studies and Hispanic studies, so I have a lot of classes I need to take. I met with my Spanish professor yesterday, who approved my four year plan for the Hispanic studies portion of my life, and I met with my advisor today to talk about general advising. I'm going to meet with my environmental studies professor next week, and hopefully he will give me the go ahead for the environmental studies classes (which there are a lot of). I came into college with a pretty set idea of what I wanted to major in, which has been helpful, since I was able to start planning early. Scheduling, especially with a double major, is really complicated, so the earlier you start thinking about it, the better.
However, don't be worried if you don't know what you want to do! Almost everyone I've met here came into school without any idea of what they wanted to major in. You're encouraged to take a variety of classes your first year, across a range of topics, to see if anything sparks your interest. That's the beauty of a liberal arts education- you have the ability to take classes in different disciplines, and even once you choose to major in something, you can continue taking classes across the board.
I've been too busy with school stuff to do much outside of my normal activities, but I did go downtown to study this weekend. It was sunny! So, of course, I took pictures.
This week, I have my first performance with the ukulele orchestra! If you're going to be on campus Friday night, make sure to stop by the co-op (under Tamarack) from 7-10pm! Divest Coal, a campaign run by LC students, is having a concert then, including us (we perform first), Section Line Drive (an a capella group), and some student bands.
If you want to talk or ask me questions, please email me at rekidder@lclark.edu. I check my email way too much, and will definitely get back to you!