Trying New Things

Lewis and Clark offers many different clubs and activities for a wide variety of students to join, such as Club Soccer, the Biology Club, or even the Gun Club. Either joining clubs or participating in random sports that are happening right outside in Griswold Stadium or by the Reflecting Pool. Despite studying all week for my chemistry test this week and practicing for football, I still found time to take my mind off all the stress from this week. 

As I was on my way back to my dorm room on Friday after classes, I passed by and stopped to chat with a few friends who were warming up to play a game of rugby. Now just so you know, I have absolutely no clue about the first rule of rugby. I have never played it before and I haven’t even seen it on TV. So naturally when they asked if I wanted to join in on their pick up game, I was extremely hesitant. Thankfully it was only two hand touch and not a full blown tackle game. I would NOT enjoy being demolished by some of the bigger guys that showed up. Despite not knowing anything, everyone was really friendly towards me. They helped explain some of the rules to me and were encouraging to everyone who showed up. I even started to get the hang of it and managed to make a few good plays at the end!
Taking a break from the game! This was in front of the
reflecting pool.

For not knowing a single thing about rugby, it was a great experience to get out and make some new friends beyond the football team. I’m sure most you of you have heard this a hundred times before, but really try different things while in college! There are so many different people and new clubs to discover. I know for one that I will be trying many more new adventures, like the Ski and Snowboard Club or the Gun Club!
If you are like me, you have barely seen one of these before.

Until next time guys, enjoy!

-Remington Campbell

Since I didn't add a picture of me from in my last post, this
is me! Go Pios!