Spring Break

Coming back from Spring Break, I realize that I only have four and a half more weeks of school left in my freshman year of college. It’s hard to believe that I am almost done, but I’m glad it is. Spring Break was just what I needed to get through these final weeks!

The Friday when classes were over, I ran back to my room to grab my bag and made it to the Pio Express right before it was about to take off. Then I took the Max out to the airport. However, I didn’t get back into San Diego until right before midnight. Thankfully, Ava was there waiting for me so that we could drive straight home. I finally crawled into my own bed at around 2:30 in the morning and proceeded to fall straight asleep.

Saturday morning, when I finally did get up, I went to my favorite place to eat, Johnny’s Burritos. Although not the healthiest food, it has really good Mexican food that I love and sweet iced tea which I can never can get enough of. After that, I relaxed all day at home and started to enjoy my break. The next day, since Ava’s spring break wasn’t until this week, I drove with her up to San Diego State and spent the day at the beach. Being here in Portland for several months, I forgot how badly I needed to tan… Laying out in the sand enjoying the sun was a great way to start off my break.

So after the beach, Ava and I naturally had to go to Buffalo Wild Wings. It was the meal I needed before driving back home. The rest of the week was a blur. I spent the first part of my break driving back and forth from somewhere. Besides taking Ava to San Diego and then getting her again on Wednesday, I drove to Palm Springs to pick up my best friend Matthew from Palm Springs on Tuesday. It was really nice to be able to catch up with him on the way back that day.

For the most part though, Spring Break was a blur. Besides working out in the mornings to stay in shape for football, I really just relaxed the whole time and tried not to think about school at all. Fortunately, I only have a few more tests and then I’m home free for the summer!

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Can't get any better than this. 
Also, I forgot to mention we started spring ball for football two weeks before spring break. It's been really fun to get back out and preparing for next year. I am positive that we will be doing a lot better next year than we did this year.

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Getting a tour of SDSU from Ava