Hacking Competition

The login page we were supposed to get past

This weekend I finished my first final project for the semester.  Yeah, it’s a little early, I know, but at least this way it can’t cause problems with my other final projects.  For Computer and Network Security, a number of us chose to participate in the National Cyber League’s Postseason Game as our final project.  The National Cyber League runs an online cybersecurity competition twice a year consisting of a preseason (warm up game to rank everyone), 1-2 regular season games (a weekend of individual competition), and a postseason game (a weekend of team play).  Lewis and Clark hosted two teams and I’m pleased to say we did better than the other team, even though they had the TA.

Chrome's developer tools

Security has been a fun class and we have learned a lot.  My final presentation will likely be on one of the websites I broke onto during the postseason. It was really poorly secured; most websites do a much better job.  The only tool you needed were the developer tools in most web browsers.  I probably shouldn’t give away an answer to a competition’s question so I won’t give specifics, but basically when you attempted to log in it checked the password you entered against a password stored in the source code of the website.  You could easily find it when poking through with the developer tools.

The flag you see once you get in

For Thanksgiving, I’ll be joining my roommate in Chicago.  I really look forward to the break, but somehow, I feel I won’t be catching up on any sleep.

Have any questions?  Please email me at ameliaberle@lclark.edu

You don't have to be a computer expert to take Security.  It only requires Computer Science I.