Field Trip!

Hello everyone,

My name is Amelia and I’m a senior here at L&C.  I’m a biology/computer science double major so my posts will focus more on the science side of school.  We’re a few weeks into the semester now and I’ve already been on my first field trip.  I’m taking Marine Biology this semester and last weekend we went to Willapa Bay up in Washington.  The bay has huge mud flats when the tide is out.  We got there a decent bit after low tide and it was still over a kilometer from the main shore to the ocean.  Our project was to see if amphipods (little shrimp like creatures) were more common closer to the ocean than they were close to shore.  It didn’t really go as planned.  The reason we thought there’d be more amphipods close to the water is so that they don’t dry out as easily, but it was raining the whole project and every area we sampled was under an inch or more of water.  We still did the project though and went home with 27 little baggies of sand which we are now sorting through in lab to count the amphipods.

The mud flats
Despite the weather, I had a lot of fun last weekend.  I come from a small town and it was nice to go back to one after spending the last two months in Portland.  We met some very friendly dogs, picked a few blackberries, and grilled up a salmon.  Despite a few leaky tents, everyone was kept warm by a lovely campfire and a good time was had by all.

A female amphipod and eggs
Do you have any questions about L&C?  Feel free to email me at