So I haven’t written in a while, I apologize, but I have been caught up in a very busy last semester. Here are some highlights that have happened since my last post.
Our data science mascot inspecting my project |
Graduation is coming up quickly (less than 3 weeks away!)
and my academic life has been really busy.
I am working on an independent study project in computer science. Basically, I have been writing a program
which uses genetic algorithms to find areas in a gene sequence which are experiencing
selection. In addition to that, my team
in Software Development has been writing software for use in one of the school’s
biology labs. We are writing a program
to analyze the amount of sunlight that comes through the forest canopy. On top of that, I am in Networks & Web
Development so I’ve been making a lot of websites for homework. (It has been a busy computer science year).
Ivanova is learning to help around the house |
Just before spring break was our spring fire show. It went really well! This year’s theme was “Murder Hotel.” We had a couple members who performed in
front of an audience for the first time.
Everyone put a lot of work into their numbers and it showed. Over the two nights we had over a hundred
people come and see the show. If you are
interested in an active art form, or you just like the idea of taming fire, I
highly recommend you look into joining Fire Arts. I’ve been a member or a leader for my entire
four years here and I have loved it.
Cotton-tail, one of our orphan bunnies, wishes you a happy Easter! |
Have any questions?
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