Week 4 Update

Hello everyone!

Another week has come and gone. This Friday was the first of the admitted students' events that are happening this spring. It was super cool to meet possible incoming students and their families. The sun came out while I was giving a tour which was so nice!

On Monday night we had our second meeting for the Thailand study abroad program. Katilin Sommerfeld, the Programs Coordinator from the Overseas office, came to talk to our group about the site visit she just did in Thailand. It was cool to hear her thoughts about the new program and tell us all about Chaing Mai and her own experience. I can't wait to go.

Albany at night
Yesterday (Saturday) it was super rainy and cold. The gloomy weather was in full effect. I went for a run in Tryon State Park that morning and got soaking wet but it was still a good run. Then my friends and I went to this cute little coffee shop called Maplewood Coffee & Tea. They made great chai. Last night I had rehearsal for one of the dance pieces I am in and today I have a rehearsal for another piece. We worked on more of the piece and did small group work which was awesome. I’ve been loving having this creative outlet and getting to know new friends through dance. My friend Caleb and I are training for the Bend half-marathon in April so we did a longer 5.5 mile run today. We are increasingly our mileage week by week. 

One of the new things that I am involved with this school year is the Student Advisory Committee for Robin Holmes-Sullivan, the Vice President of Student Life and the Dean of Students. It is a committee I applied to be on early in the fall semester and then we had our first meeting at the end of the fall. We are having bi-weekly meetings this semester. Our group is tasked with improving student life at Lewis & Clark by working with Robin and other institutional bodies. It is awesome to be on a committee with other student leaders on campus. From issues like universal swipe access on our ID cards to inclusive bathrooms and the lack of communication between students and the head decision-makers at Lewis & Clark, our committee is focusing on creating ways to solve these issues and more. 

Have a wonderful day,
