family weekend!! :)

 hi, hello, welcome!! :)

It’s Family Weekend & Homecoming Weekend! But for me this weekend was just about family. What a fun time for the family to come to LC & Portland area.

Of course I recognize what a privilege it is for family members to travel from out of state and my mom was fortunate enough to be able to take a few days off work and come visit for a few days. This weekend was much needed, being surrounded by such comfort and positive energy made me feel sooo much better! 

I’ve been feeling so many emotions this semester because of a combination of factors from school and outside my studies, and being confined to campus sometimes feels like school is all there ever is to know. It’s not to say that LC doesn’t hold events, or get togethers for a chance to step away from school, try new things, or meet new people. There’s just been this hold on me that supplies me with just enough energy and social battery most of the time to just attend classes, try and get enough sleep, and take care of myself and my emotions. The time I spent in person with my mom this weekend reminded me why I’m pursuing my college degree and who I’m doing it for- which is me, but very much motivated and supported by my family.  

This weekend I spent time driving!!! OMG I MISSED DRIVING! I genuinely enjoy driving and it’s a privilege to have access to a car at uni as an out of state driver. There’s just something about driving that allows me to take a break from thinking and it’s even more exciting to check out new places and it gives me a sense of freedom. (I don’t forget the PIO works perfectly fine, I actually enjoy taking the PIO, especially when I’ve had a long day and don’t want to focus on things, taking the PIO lets me be mindless and take some time off campus- lol).

My mom and I drove to Astoria to check out Young River Falls- and I’ll attach a small video at the end :). It was raining on and off, about 45 degrees outside, but the air was fresh and the drive was absolutely beautiful with the leaves changing colors. It was kinda in the middle of nowhere and about 2 hours away from Portland, so I would say it was a fun drive. I also had to show my mom my favorite food cart spots- The Red Dragon @ the Piknik Park Food Cart Pod, of course we visited Asylum Food Carts and we found some underrated food carts about a minute in Sellwood-Moreland, These food cart things are the ish! Even though my homework may suffer as this weekend comes to an end, it was most definitely worth spending some time with my mom.

young river falls 
