Hi there! This blog is going to be about homecoming weekend and midterms. Both of these things have consumed my life for the weekend but it was a blast nonetheless. First of all, midterms this past week really kicked my butt. Every night this week has consisted of long nights of studying whether it be in my dorm room, the library, a classroom, or the computer lab. The time spent for midterms was a lot, but I felt really good going into all of my tests. The work is done and now I have a little bit of time to relax :). 

After the weekdays were over, our football team had their homecoming game! Along with the football game, the weekend was also parents' weekend. A ton of families were able to enjoy the football game and get to reconvene over the weekend. Along with parents, a ton of alumni also showed up for the homecoming game. The energy at Griswold Stadium was nothing that I have ever experienced and to top it off, the Pioneers won the game against the Puget Sound Loggers......ROLL PIOS!

Although midterms are usually a very tough time during the year, it is very important to make sure that you balance your time to make sure you aren't rushed in studying for your different subjects. Keeping your time balanced is key to make sure your mental health and emotional well being stay in tact. Without proper time management midterm season is definitely no joke! 

Well, I hope you enjoyed this blog post once again and I will be writing to you again next week. 

Take care!!

    - Tyler