Relax this break

 What are your plans this winter break? 

I advise you to rest, and have fun, finals have been a lot (maybe), and the semester has been hectic. For freshmen especially, but after online classes last year - for everyone. We were all getting back into life on campus.

a) sleep

There's no rushing anywhere, so just sleep please. Your sleeping schedule has been crazy most likely, and I beg of you, get some z's. No early morning this first week, no appointments and rush hours, just relax. 

b) see people, you might not see them for a while

Friends, family, people you just miss? Time to make a mental note of everyone you want to see, and I suggest not looking in your contacts. Those that come to mind are the only important ones. You don't have enough time to waste, only hang out with people whose presence gives you peace. Prioritise the order of people though - if you don't want anything that requires a lot of energy the first few days of your break, don't call that friend you always go on adventures with. 

my mom made me a surprise party :')

c) implement days witout electronics

This is a bit impossible during college, those never-ending emails coming in reminding you of this and that every day. Welp, now hopefully, you are not being bombarded by emails (besides stores wanting you to spend money). Take a day, and turn of your wifi connection. Clear your thoughs, read a book, cook something, clean the house. So many possibilities. 

d) watch the new Spiderman

No comment besides that. Do it.

e) go shopping

For things you need, or for things you don't. Even just to the dollar store. Amazon and Freddy's is what most of my shopping went down to during the semester, so indulge in the action of physically walking into a store and spending a bit on yourself. Post-Christmas sales hit different.

f) Write a single new years resoultion

Don't write a list of 20 thing you're going to do, you most likely will get overwhelmed and give up in March (ideally, but probably even before). Pick one thing. Focus on it, and if you get it done soon, erase it and make a new singular one. And go on till 2023. 

Remember to enjoy it however you see fit. Love you, and see you next year =)