Work Work Work - having three jobs on campus

    I am fortunate enough to be a student who goes here thanks to scolarships and work study. And I really know how to use that work study let me tell you. Though my plan originally was not getting three jobs at all. Why I have three jobs is honestly procrastination...

    Back in August I reached out to my advisor and asked when I should start looking for jobs, and he sent me an IT job right away, and advised I apply soon because places fill up soon. Early August, I have all the resources and the warning I should hurry with applying. So logically, I would apply right?

    No. I did not apply. I applied a week before college and as expected, all the positions were already filled up. Coming to campus I was a bit freaked out I would never get a job, and thought I had messed up my entire year by procrastinating that application. Thankfully as I soon found out, there are so many jobs on campus you can do! Less if you don't qualify for work-study, but even then there are options, trust me. 

    But in the midst of my freak out, I applied to roughly 12-13 jobs. And here's a few things I learned throughout the process: 

  • Many of these will never get back to you. I got accepted for 3 positions, had a follow up interview for an additonal three (two ghosted me, I ghosted the third), one rejected me, and the rest never even reached out to say "Hey, we don' want you"
  • You don't need to know much, you learn most of it on the job!
  • Nobody's resume is great, so don't worry if yours isn't either. You're a freshman (in my case) in college, you're lucky if you have anything to put down.
  • Connections and luck are useful 
  • You can always quit, and everybody's experiences are very personal so don't turn away a job if someone says it's not good
  • If all else fails, the dining hall is always looking for people
    The first job I was accepted into was Phonathon! Originally I did not even realize what that word meant, and did not apply, but then my friend advised me to apply since he did. BEST DESICION! What we do here is call alumni. We update them about what's happening at school, invite them to events, and fundraise for the school. If you like talking (as I do), this is awesome. When nobody is answering, we play games like trivia with coworkers or just study/read. I like the shifts, and the always present snacks. 
    How I found my second job was due to pure luck! I was at the college fair, where all departments were presenting themselves, and I came to the IT desk. The advice I got was, if you have not been reached out to, approach and ask. At that time I was not rejected yet for the IT position I applied to in August so I walked up and asked 'Hi, are there any job openings?'. I was informed the positions filled up... But the woman there told me to write down my name, and that she'd love to have me if a position opens up. So I had the luck of being the first to write my name down, and getting a job as an IT technician on the grad campus. The rest who wrote their name down, stil have not been contacted. 
    And the sugar on top - THIS JOB! Blogging was the final job offer I had, and I HAD to accept it, I'm living my Carrie Bradshaw dreams. 

    How is it to balance three jobs and college? I'd say it actually helps a lot. Campus jobs are pretty chill most of the time, so you can do a lot of studying there! I can't remember the last time I studied in my dorm. A perk I am very grateful for.

   In honor of my lovely jobs, here are a few shots from my recent end of semester office party, and other office shots:

    I will miss everyone and working over the holidays - which tells you all you need to know!

Lots of love,