A bit lost

 I want to write about something I have been stressing about a fair amount - the fact we are a month into school and I've barely done any work... 

How online school has messed with us all individually can probably be discussed for days, and years ahead into the future I am willing to bet there will be many studies in psychology about it. But frankly, I don't care about any of that at the moment, I am just overwhelmed and if you are too I want to let you know that is completely valid. 

Coming back to campus was a  challenge in many ways, but I have never been more disappointed in myself than I am right now, not doing the amount of work I should be doing... You see I have always been a straight-A student, and to me, that was a given. I would rarely procrastinate, and even when I would, my definition of the word differed from that of others.

Though here I am now, completely lost, drowning in the amount of work I must do, with three tests and a paper on the way. 

This story is honestly still evolving, I can't tell you I managed it all and all it took me was a good seep schedule and a study guide, nope.

I can tell you it's okay, give yourself some credit. Today I had an entire day to study and I chose to rest instead. Stupid? Perhaps. But I know the level of stress I was feeling was too much for any productivity, and I was right. For the first time today, I let myself 'fail'. Not actually, just what I considered failing all this time... It's kind of scary but worth it. 

We are in a global pandemic, and life can always get in the way. Don't beat yourself up for not doing your readings this week. I truly swear to myself I am starting tomorrow. Here's a nice little detail from my workplace that helped me relax as well: