California Baseball Trip!


Welcome back to my blogging series where I keep you updated on what it is like to be a student at Lewis and Clark college! If you don't already know, my name is Tyler and I am a sophomore and this blog is all about my life. A little background information on me is that I am a Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Major with a minor in Computer Science, I am on the baseball team, I work for gameday operations, and I blog as well every week for the student life blog.  My time at Lewis and Clark has been pretty short, but I am definitely trying to make the most of all the opportunities the school has to offer.

The past couple weeks since school first started have been crazy. We started the semester with online classes but I still came to campus on time because of baseball. The dorms were empty and many of the facilities were locked. The campus was pretty empty as many students decided to opt to stay home and come at a later date. The online classes were alright but it just isn't the same as being in person. Despite having all of my friends at school, the campus just did not feel the same as it did before. 

Time went on, and eventually after many practices and scrimmages our baseball team took our first trip to California to play teams that aren't in our conference. 

We played three games against Pomona-Pitzer and one game against Whittier College. The whole trip was a blast although we had to wake up at 5am for our 8am flight to California. Once we got to California, we hopped off the plane and went straight to our first game. Then we had a double header on Saturday and one last game on Sunday. We then got the chance to go to the beach and also have some In-N-Out for dinner. I had two double doubles and a shake :). The time spent with the team was awesome and the experience was one of a kind. I am really grateful for the ability to be a student athlete at the collegiate level. But, coming back to school we got back to campus at around midnight the day before in person classes begin. 

The start of in person classes was super interesting. I felt as though there were way more people on campus than I have ever seen! The campus is bursting with energy from all the students that are ready for the first days of class. It was cool going to my classes in person and seeing people that I had only seen on zoom this semester. Meeting my professors was also nice because I have not had many of them in previous classes. I am really looking forward to the rest of the semester and seeing all the connections I can make with all the new people at school. 

Now, I am still waiting on being able to eat in the bon and being able to use the weightroom more as those places are still under some pretty strict covid restrictions. But, overall the school has done a great job of minimizing the spread of covid-19 while still giving students a college experience. 

I'm looking forward to what the semester has to offer and all of the memories I will make. Stay tuned for more!!