new happenings

Hey hi Pios! So, uh…in-person classes, am I right?


If you’re like me, then days just all of a sudden became a lot more energy-consuming. Of course, in-person classes are far preferable to Zoom (to me at least). However, even though all that really changed is walking 5 minutes to get to and from class as opposed to rolling out of bed and walking 5 feet to your desk, it seems like CLASS just sucks the energy right out of me. Not that that’s bad, though. I do feel stellarly productive. 


While making the switch to in-person classes, I’ve had to humble myself in some ways. For example, I have never had a tutor before. I’m pretty good at studying by myself and typically do well in all of my classes. That being said, my brain during Zoom classes was just not…it. I retained basically nothing even though I took notes on everything. So, I got myself a tutor, and hopefully, that will help. I’m thankful that such a resource was so easily accessible to me. 


My productivity streak seems to have died down from last week, which is a bit disappointing, but I’m still doing my best to stay on top of it. My psychology class is sort of kicking my butt and we’ve got our first exam next week (hence to tutor). So much information to absorb in such a short amount of time. But hey, such is life. 


Anyways…those are my new happenings. Some more new happenings:

  • I started rewatching Breaking Bad with my bestie for the sheer meme of it

  • I started playing Wordle?? I guess? 

  • I got a new lamp! Exciting, I know.

Truly not very exciting stuff, but it has been an enjoyable week and will hopefully lead into an enjoyable weekend. Life is pretty good right now, Pious, and I’m trying to keep it that way. I hope all of your lives are also on the up-and-up, and if not, I have some good news for you:


For the Love of Soup!


This week’s soup is the Bon’s very own “pureed ginger and root vegetable soup.” Mmmm…appetizing


Honestly, it was okay. The taste was overall pretty good, but the texture was…uhh…less so. It was chunky, as is to be expected from a soup made exclusively from blended vegetables, but there were also those like, hairs?? That are on root vegetables? Not actual hairs, of course. But you know what I mean and will forgive me for not knowing the technical identification of such things. Anyways, those things would frequently just get caught in my teeth and it was not fabulous.

Me with my soup fr fr

Soup Review: 2.5/5 stars


I hope you all have a week filled with laughter, free time, and texturally pleasing soup, Pios! Until next time!






insta: @mack_mae11