spring semester means trees blooming!

 hi, hello & welcome to this blog! this blog will encapsulate a bit of my winter break and the feelings/reality of being back on campus during construction and stricter covid rules. And whatnot… 


my winter break: one month, I don’t mind it. For me, I was able to go to my home state (AZ) and see my family, spend time with my brother and work. You know, make as much money while you’re still here mindset because I’m a struggling bipoc student lol. But I very much enjoyed working at crumbl, seeing my amazing beautiful co-workers again. 

My favorite part about winter break was the SUN AND trying new food places! Ughhh I absolutely love to eat and made it my goal to finally try the new places that have been on my list in phoenix. I’ll add some photos at the end of some food I tried :)

week 4 tomorrow: so tomorrow will begin week 4 of the spring semester. the way we’re already at four weeks is so wild to me cause I don’t even remember going through the first three weeks or even being back on campus during zoom. There’s so much that can be said but I’m not going to vent in this blog. Everyone’s coming back to campus, people are worried and nervous and cases rising and personal interactions can be tiresome.

From the few conversations I’ve had many of us are feeling conflicted with going back into person learning/teaching. For me specifically, I’m looking forward to going back into personal classes mainly because the physical act of having to leave my environment (room) for class forces me to be a member of society/community, basically the outside world. When on zoom, there's a feeling of familiarity and comfort that I refuse to let myself do anything productive, I’ll have thoughts like “oh no it’s okay, we can do it later” knowing full well when later comes around whatever needed to get done will not get done :( I laugh as I write this because I know myself, and I know what I’ve been doing for the past three weeks has not been working well. (well if it isn’t the consequences of my own actions). 

As I finish this blog and mentally prepare myself to socialize with people again I ask myself this: “what’s something I’d like to accomplish tomorrow and/or this upcoming week?”

  • I would like to sit with the sun outside for as long as I can, and continue working on building a schedule for myself.

And if you feel like it, I welcome you to engage with the question as well :) 

tchau, thanks for sticking around