midterm madness

Hey hi, Pios. Midterms… mmm delicious! My favorite!


This week was hectic. Honestly, I’d love to give you all some tips and tricks for getting through midterms but… I don’t even know that I made it through midterms myself, so who am I to give advice?


My high school was extremely work-heavy. They prided themselves on being a college prep school, and therefore assigned work over pretty much every single break. So, you’d think that having work assigned over break here wouldn’t come as a surprise. Alas, I was caught off guard nevertheless.


Eager to have an actual BREAK (operational definition: not doing schoolwork?), I attempted to complete all of my break assignments before actually going on break. This, combined with studying for exams, preparing presentations, and doing homework actually due during the week, working ahead, unfortunately, did not work extraordinarily well. I ended up quite stressed and resigned to doing some work during the break after all. Oh well, I did what I could.


To offer as much advice as possible, I will say a few things. Make sure to create a list of absolutely everything you NEED to do. Do not include items that would just “be nice” to do. Save those for after you’ve completed everything necessary. Secondly, take breaks! Limit the amount of time you spend working each day. Of course, make sure you actually work during those times. But, when those times end, stop! Take a break! You more than deserve it. 


I know none of this is particularly revelatory advice, but it’s important and effective nonetheless. Above all, you should always do what works best for YOU.


And guess what? I have an installation of For the Love of Soup for ya’ll this week!


This week’s soup was the spicy chicken ramen from Hissho Sushi in the PDX airport! This serving of ramen was $10 and was a pretty big portion. There were lots of noodles, chicken, bamboo shoots, and narutomaki in the ramen. I personally don’t enjoy bamboo shoots or narutomaki, but if you do, then you’ll love this ramen! The broth was really yummy, but wasn’t very spicy. So, if I were to add any critique, it would simply be to kick up the heat a notch! Of course, you can always add your own sriracha as well :) 

Soup Review: 4.2/5 stars




email: mwille@lclark.edu

insta: @mack_mae11