rainy week + study abroad

Hi everyone, 

I hope you guys had great weeks! It was a rainy one here in Portland, but I'm hoping it means that spring is on its way. The flowers are starting to bloom on campus, and I'm so excited for the warm weather and being able to lay out in the sun to do my reading. On my way back from classes the other day, I saw some daffodils (one of my favorite flowers), so I think that's a good sign of warmer days ahead. That doesn't mean that I didn't enjoy the rain though- there's few things cozier than studying in the Dovecote cafe during a rainstorm while Hozier plays in the background.

Please imagine the sounds of heavy rain and "Cherry Wine" by Hozier in the background.

I also got some good news this week: I was accepted to my Study Abroad program! If all goes as planned, I'll be spending next spring in Siena, Italy. I'm a little apprehensive, especially since I'll be taking all my classes in Italian, but also so excited. One of the reasons why I chose Lewis & Clark was their wide offering of study abroad programs. As a school, LC is really focused on global learning. They have programs catered to a variety of majors and academic disciplines, but if your major doesn't have a specific program dedicated to it, there are still lots of options!

The application process is really simple. You fill out a questionnaire for your desired program, ask two professors to write you letters of rec, and answer some essay questions about why you want to go abroad. After you get accepted in the the first round of applications, you have an interview with your program leader- but it's really not stressful at all! 

The requirements to apply for a program aren't anything crazy. Essentially, you need to be at least a 2nd year student, and be in good academic standing. In my experience, the vast majority of people who meet those requirements and put effort into their applications are accepted. 

All my friends who have gone abroad have had such amazing experiences, and I can't wait to add mine to theirs :)

If you're interested in the programs LC has to offer, check out the Overseas Office website here.

Hope y'all have great weeks, and I'll talk to you soon.

