Junior Studying Abroad In Munich Germany


My name is Delia, I am a Junior this year at Lewis & Clark and am currently studying abroad in Munich, Germany for the entire year. Around 60 % of students at Lewis & Clark study abroad during their time at Lewis & Clark. I personally think that it is a wonderful opportunity and something that everyone should take advantage of during their college experience. I remember one of the many reasons why I chose to study at Lewis & Clark was because for my major (Foreign Languages; German and Spanish) I am actually REQUIRED to study abroad. If I am absolutely required to study abroad for me that is no problem at all, that is actually everything but a problem. LC also does a really good job at figuring out how to let people study abroad if they want to, no matter what their major is. 

Just a few background facts about me: I am 21 years old, grew up in Montpelier, VT but studied abroad in Tehuacan, Mexico for a year during high school. I love to travel, learn languages, and be outdoors. I also like to play card games, dance around in my pajamas, and watch Ellen Degeneres.

I arrived in Munich on August 31st, about a month ago, and everything so far has been wonderful. Learning to speak German and hear German 24/7 has been a bit difficult but other than that I have had a wonderful time. With Lewis & Clark I have been able to travel so much throughout Germany and within Munich already. The first four weeks of our time here has pretty much been like a German bootcamp, being in school from 9-4 every day learning German, history about Munich and about life now in Munich. We just ended Presemester with visiting Berlin for a week. I will leave you with some pictures from my first month here. 

If you ever have any questions for me please send me an email at drussosavage@lclark.edu 

Wishing all of you working on writing your college applications for early decision or early action all the best, It will all be over soon! 

Until next time, 


Hiking at Tegernsee
View from the top of the mountain overlooking Tegernsee

View from the kitchen on my floor
Studying in the Englischer Garten

At Neuschwanstein

With my friend Gayané, at Oktoberfest