Stalking the Wild Chanterelle

My fellow mushroom hunters during a break in the rain

Road to our Sunday mushroom hunting spot.
I was significantly less sick this weekend so got to go on one of College Outdoors' mushroom hunting trips.  It poured the entire weekend but everyone dressed head to foot in rain gear (literally, most of us had gaiters and gloves in addition to raincoats and rain pants) and headed off into the misty woods in search of our quarry. The finds were fantastic, from the cutest little Amanita muscaria egg (fairly toxic) to the 10 inch porcinis (edible) and just about everything in between. The edible ones were cooked up later by one of our trip leaders (the toxic ones were not) and everyone enjoyed them while watching a movie on mushroom identification.

Heading back in a slightly muddy van
The next day’s adventures included another trip into the woods, followed by a team building exercise called ‘pushing the van out of the mud.’  We were rescued by some friendly elk hunters and were able to get back home with no more harm than a bit of mud and some new stories to tell.  Everyone had a lot of fun, learned a lot, and ate some delicious mushrooms.


L&C Everyday Life: Printing

Luckily, one thing you don’t need to purchase for college is your own printer.  L&C has multiple places on campus for you to print your homework, flyers, sheet music, or just about anything else your heart desires. On the Undergraduate campus most of your printing will be done in either the Watzek lab (in the library) or the Dubach lab (in Templeton). Each student gets 650 pages of free printing per year (fall through spring semester) which is generally much more than you will need. If you somehow manage to use 650 sheets of paper you can purchase extra printing at 6¢ a page.
Watzek Computer Lab
To print something simply save it online somewhere or to a USB drive, go to one of the lab computers (both Mac & PC are available in both labs), sign in, and print from there.  If you print duplex (double sided) it only counts as one page from your print balance. Color printing takes 5 sheets out of your print balance.  If you ever wonder how much of your print balance you’ve used you can easily check it online at the link below.

The main reason L&C uses the print balance system is to help conserve paper, we are the greenest US college after all.

Interactive campus map:
Check your print balance: (You will need an L&C account)

Have questions?  Feel free to email me at